Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day 5

It is late but better then not at all. 

I am finding that the hardest thing thus far is making sure to get all of my meals in. I am not one to get up early, unless there is something that needs to get done. I thrive after hours and to some, mostly the elderly, that is a bad thing. I do not see the negative to sleeping in later and staying up later. That being said, I just finished my last small meal not more then 30 min ago. 

I am starting to see the numbers go down more tho. My starting weight was 22o, but really closer to 223. When I woke up this morning the scale read 210. I was pretty pumped to see it continue to drop.

This weight is something that has made me extremely self conscious about myself. Not only has it given me physical insecurities but has also effect my health. I don't want to drown in my sorrows about the past but rather rejoice that I am taking positive steps to becoming a better me. It has to start somewhere and in this case it is where you are going not where you have been. 

I can't wait to keep going and get down to my target weight of 185. That is my goal for this 40 day plan but want to continue after that to get down to 170 which is more then realistic and a healthy weight. Just gotta keep truckin!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 4

Woke up late. Jumped on the scale and noticed 6lbs down. A bit happy but for the first hr I was awake I was just out of it. I later went on to telling plenty of people about the joy I got from seeing those number drop. 

Made some delicious ground turkey for dinner. Felt like I over ate but whatev. Went on a nice long bike ride after to feel better about how much I ate. 

I keep telling myself that it is going to start flying off by the dozens, and it will but just with time. Don't you wish that you could just push a button and when you wake up everything is how you want? 

I can say this however, today I started feeling better about myself and my energy level. It just took me a bit to wake up fully. I give credit to the OMEGA-3 pills I am taking. I encourage everyone to start poppin' those bad boys! You can tell a difference after 4 days of taking them, trust me I know.

Later gator

Day 3

Day 3 came and went like nobody's business. It seems that each day goes smoother and smoother. I am starting to get this 6 meals a day down pretty pat. Wake up have a cup of coffee and a bar, simple. The only change in today's ritual was that I ate my lean and green meal at lunch time rather then at dinner. I like to mix it up, sue me.

I did enjoy a nice little bike ride today however. Nice 80 degree weather and a beach cruiser. Sounds like a fun time to me; and it was. I can not wait to continue on this plan so that when I move to SD I won't just be the guy that takes great photos but that I look great too! I can see how I will shed some lbs pretty fast. I mean just in the 3 days on this I have already lost 4lbs and no it is not just water weight cause like I had said before I am drinking 110 oz of water daily. 

This far into it I have already started to decipher what I like and what I'm not so crazy for. With fall semester starting in two weeks I hope to have it down pretty good so that I am not tempted to just drive thru the window at Taco Bell after my night classes. I think I will be able to handle my own tho.  I am starting to learn the reasoning behind why we want to eat what we want to, what is yours? 

Where there is a will there is a way; this is the motto for my day 3.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 2

This diet really isn't as horrible as first conceived. Sure it has it draw backs with Taco Bell being out of the question but the biggest thing I have noticed in the past 48 hrs of this process is that I am not really that hungry. 

On this plan you eat 6 meals a day which helps balance your insulin levels. 5 of the 6 meals you eat every day are a medically formulated meal that Medifast provides you. It's everything from pretzels to soups to chocolate bars. All in all it is good, filling food. You are allowed to eat one big meal that is very high in protein like fish or steak or chicken; basically any grilled meat accompanied by a host of grilled veggies. So tonight I had grilled shrimp with tons of grilled bell peppers and onions. Soooo good! 

Also on this plan you have to drink a ton of water! You divide your weight in half and make it ounces and there you have it. So starting off at right around 220 I am drinking 110 oz of water! Talk about using the bathroom a lot...

Is anyone going to read this, maybe. Do I really care, kinda. Am I going to track everything and see some solid results, hell yeah!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Day 1

The day has come. The hour is here. Today is the first day of my diet. I am going on a plan known as Medifast and hope to shed some excess "21 yr old" weight....

So here is the game plan:
I am doing this diet for 40 days. Not because it has any special religious tie to it but rather because when you buy a months worth they throw in a free week and I just decided to add on a few extra days to it, easy math if you ask me.

The average person drops around 20 lbs the first month and my mother is one of the life coaches that sells the stuff so I figured what do I have to loose? 

So in the next 40 days I will be blogging about my experience with this diet plan to see if it really is all they say it is. So be on the look out for a daily blog and pictures of the progress, who knows; you might just be the next person to take on the challenge....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Turing to another Chapter

So it was my birthday yesterday
The big 21 which has been a long awaited day, but it really wasn't.

Drinking can be made into a huge deal if you don't do it or if you do. I hate how both sides make it such a big deal that even if you are not drinking on your 21st bday but you had offers by others to go and drink and you turned them down, you still get a lecture and talked down to by others for even letting the thought cross your mind. 

Mature people. You don't always have to put your two cense in for EVERYTHING!! I am a full on adult, I can make my own choices. I live with the choices, whether good or bad, not you.

I fear God alone and answer only to Him. So if you feel like giving your opinion on the subject save your breath or typing fingers.

In my head I had built up some sort of different birthday routine that did not come to pass yesterday. I don't like surprises. The effort is there but for a person like me, they typically let you down. Thanks for trying but it just wasn't me. I could honestly say that there were people there whom did not even know my last name. 

I wanted this last exciting birthday to be just that, exciting. Well with the dry ice bombs in the orchards; I will def remember that. But not really heading the plans on your last big birthday kinda got to me and now as I sit at my desk the day after, all I can think about is how it was not what I wanted.

From here on out I am making my plans, not others. I love how others tried to plan for it, I do and this is nothing about them but rather the lack of boldness to step up and take charge of my own bday. 

Things will be a'changin in the real near future, this I promise. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's almost here

Today is Nov. 16, which means that in less than 12 hours I will be 21 years old

To be completely honest this is how I feel about tomorrow. No not like a fat kid loves cake but rather like what is the point. Does anyone actually feel older just because some numbers line up on the calendar and there is a cake that sits in front of you as sticks of wax melt across a vast plain of rich frosting as everyone stares you down and sings and many more on channel four? 

I love how everyone comes to support you at this beloved gathering but if I am being honest, I don't feel any older than I did a week ago. The situations I have overcome throughout the course of my life thus far have mentally aged me faster than a sweet red wine.

So if you think that my 21st bday will look like this:
than I am sorry, you have the wrong guy. I do not need to be completely trashed to have a good 21st birthday.

I did have a get together the other day for my birthday with some of the people that are close in my current season of life. A birthday blog with pictures will come either tomorrow or the day after so that I can get all the pics online.

I hope that I at least get some phone calls or birthday txts........